Category: Education

  • How To Become A Help Desk Engineer In 2024: Step by Step Guide

    An IT project manager should have extensive knowledge of technology set realistic expectations for projects. The average IT help desk job salary is between $55,000-$65,000 but this can vary depending on the company and level of experience. An IT help desk’s main function is to enable business processes by providing integrated support. The support provided…


  • Java SE 6 vs JRE 1.6 vs. JDK 1.6 What do these mean?

    Except for the noted incompatibilities, class files built with the Java SE 6 compiler will run correctly in Java SE 7. Java 21 was released on 19 September 2023.[382] There are eight JEPs that are not in preview or incubating, compared to Java 20 which only had previewing and incubating JEPs. Java 21 introduces features…


  • Best Remote Collaboration Tools for Teams in 2024

    Remote work tools can be a great way to address your team’s productivity needs. To successfully manage a virtual team, you’ll need to make sure their remote work collaboration tools have features that can help them carry out their project management requirements. Choose multi-faceted options serving all or most of these functions to enhance…


  • 10 Practical Tips to Conduct Productive Remote Interviews

    Keep your voice calm and speak clearly, and smile when appropriate, just like you would in person. You want to put the candidate at ease and demonstrate that you’re engaged in the conversation. Also, wait a few seconds at the end of sentences or after the candidate speaks to minimize talking over each other. Skills…


  • 50 Fun Icebreakers for Office & Virtual Meetings 2024

    Branch out from the traditional idea of an icebreaker by using these fun ideas with your coworkers during an upcoming conference call. Your team can do the same thing with a picture or meme as a visual prompt. Ask them to caption it while a timer counts down during your next meeting, or email their…